What's a Half-iversary?

May 14, 2014

A few months ago Brian convinced me that we should celebrate our "half-iversary" because we didn't have enough holidays to enjoy together. The idea is that it is half way to the date of our anniversary, kind of like a "unbirthday."

The day before our celebration Brian told me to be ready to leave the house as soon as he got home from work. I thought the request was strange, but I made sure I was ready to go. Once we got going he told me that we were headed to the Vista House. It was warm and sunny for once, so I was happy to go. The Vista House was packed when we got there despite it being a weekday. We toured the house before heading out to the upper observation deck.

The upper observation deck was packed, so Brian suggested that we walk down along the sidewalk that boarders the road. As we were walking that stretch, he started talking about this gift he had been holding on to for months. "This gift required me to talk to your dad, and it required me to talk to your mom..." At that point I had butterflies and could hardly focus. He made me close my eyes (something Brian has always insisted on), and when I opened them he got down on one knee and proposed. I'm not usually a crier, but those damn onions snuck up on me. 

We've done a lot of talking over the last week and have decided to take things slow. We haven't set a date, and just want to enjoy the moment.

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  1. That's so cute! Happy half-iversary then!

  2. Thank you! It still hasn't set in =)

  3. Congrats again! That is just so sweet. Yep, he's a keeper.
    And that ring is fricken fab! O.O

  4. Thank you! I love that he picked a historical site to propose. That way we can visit anytime.

  5. Such a pretty place! And congrats again. Slow is fine! It's not like things will change much once you're married anyway. :)

  6. Thank you! I think the biggest change will be taxes. We already live together, so no worries there!


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