Model City Polish Ghost Stories Review

May 09, 2014

Model City Polish released Ghost Stories and a ton of other gorgeous holos last autumn. I wanted them so badly that I had to practically sit on my hands to keep myself from buying them all. I had planned on picking a few of them up in October, but we had a break in and decided to replace a few of the stolen items first. It took Model City's Easter egg sale to remind me that there were holos I needed! I'm really glad I picked this one up.

Model City Polish Ghost Stories

Model City Polish Ghost Stories

Model City Polish Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories is a black scattered holographic polish. It has a subtle shimmer indoors, but really sparkles out in the sunshine. I used two coats to achieve full coverage, but you could definitely get away with one coat if you are careful. I was rather impressed with the color composition overall. Ghost Stories is truly a black holo polish.

Over time I have discovered that many black holos appear more silver because of the amount of holographic glitter added. For me, that silver tone takes away from the polish because I'm looking for a solid black. Another frequent issue I've come across with black holos is that they contain such a small amount of holographic glitter it may as well not exist. Ghost Stories is the perfect balance between solid black and sparkly holo goodness.

Polishes used: Model City Polish- Ghost Stories, Orly- Bonder, Poshe- Top Coat

What must have holographic colors do you own?

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  1. When I'm looking for something with ridiculous amounts of holo, I go for Beyond from Color Club. BUT, because that can be overwhelming, Ghost Stories is my go-to dark holo, because it's rainbow goodness without overpowering the actual color of the polish.

    One you absolutely need, if you don't have it already, is Nightmare Revisited from LynBDesigns. Holy mother of pink holo, it's awesome.

  2. That's so pretty! I love holographic polishes of any kind.

  3. I just looked up Nightmare Revisited and it's intense! I don't have Beyond either, but it looks pretty.


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