Phenomena Hits-"Moonbow" Review

January 17, 2014

I was given this lovely color back around Halloween, but I was waiting for the right time to wear it. I figured my birthday was as good good time, and I wasn't disappointed!


Moonbow is a glitter topcoat that shifts between purple, blue, pink and green. You might be able to catch the occasional orange or yellow in the right lighting. This is a dupe of the hard to find Ozotic 528. All I can say is holy moley that color shift! This quickly worked its way into my favorite colors of all time. The application was easy peasey, and only required one coat. The only downside is that this is not a standard, full-sized bottle but rather a 6mL one. Shown above is one coat of Moonbow over one coat of Orly- "Liquid Vinyl".

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  1. Holy frak those rainbows!! I may need to pick this up as soon as possible.

  2. Do it! I was heartbroken when I discovered that Ozotic 528 was $15.50 a bottle and hard to find. This beauty makes my heart flutter.


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