Happy Birthday to Me: A Year in Review

January 10, 2014

I celebrated my 20+ something birthday last Saturday and decided to reflect on the previous year. In the last year I:

20130223_195222Purchased and moved into my first house with Brian


Tried my hand at gardening

Learned how to shoot photos on manual setting proficiently

Learned how to edit photos using GIMP

Started blogging about and reviewing nail polish


Baked my very first cheesecake and apple pie from scratch

I got a Kindle which in Brian's words "Rekindled my love of reading"

I achieved a 180lb deadlift among other weightlifting pr's. If you are counting weights, I couldn't find a photo of my 180lb deadlift, so 170 will have to do.

What achievement in 2013 are you most proud of?

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  1. 2013 was sort of a bitch to me, so I'm kind of just proud that I made it through without killing someone. I am pretty proud of the lacquers I collected, so there's that. 2014 will be much better.

    Congrats on the dead lift! That's seriously impressive. I think I could do... 30? Maybe 40? :|

  2. I like that black sparkly polish in the photos above! I am at 50lbs on my deadlift -all the weight I have at home. I could do more but man, it's been a looong while since I've done 'em!

  3. 2013 definitely had its ups and downs. I'm still unemployed, so that's no fun. You should do an all indie stash post. I would be all over that!

    As for the deadlift- I remember lifting 5lb dumbbells and being terrified. I bet you could lift way more than you think you can.

  4. I used to despise deadlifts, they are my favorite exercise now. I bet you could kick some serious butt once you get more weight!


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