Kettlebell Training: A Warrior Room Review

January 15, 2014

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of joining Lisa from 110 Pounds and Counting and a handful of her friends for a workout at The Warrior Room. The workout was completely different than anything I have ever tried. It was a kettlebell/tabata hybrid. While I am a little familiar with tabata style workouts, I was certainly not prepared for that workout.


We started off by learning the proper technique for kettlebell deadlifts, swings and various squats. From there we progressed to a killer, timed series of movements. If I remember correctly we did three sets of 20 deadlifts, 20 jump squats, and 20 swings within 10 minutes. I was already winded at that point, so I was a bit nervous to learn what they had in store for the rest of the workout. If you know me, you know that I hate cardio. I lift weights at home, so the only cardio I get happens when I decide  to hoop between sets.


Next we did goblet squats, burpees and sumo squats. My hamstrings were on fire at that point! Did I mention that the day before I was squatting at 90% of my max? Smart, huh?

We finished the main portion of the workout with shoulder presses, sit ups and upright rows. I enjoyed that portion the most because it gave my legs a break. Once the main portion of the workout was done we ended with some core work and stretching.

Kettlebell training is no joke. I really don't think you can prepare for the type of work they put you through. Despite taking a lot of breaks through the training session, I would definitely do this again.

If you are a local reader, The Warrior Room is still running a Groupon deal. It's a great way to try something new without breaking the bank. In all honesty, even the regular pricing for The Warrior Room is manageable. If you give The Warrior Room a try, let me know what you think!

***All photos are property of Lisa at 110 Pounds and Counting

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  1. […] you want to read another review from a fellow blogger who went to the free class, check it out here. “Kettlebell training is no joke. I really don’t think you can prepare for the type of work […]


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