ILNP Mona Lisa with UberChic Stamping

April 26, 2016

Do you guys have those brands where you just know that you are going to love everything they release? ILNP is that way for me. I honestly think I've only been disappointed with one of their shades because the online swatches made it look far more "punchy" than it was in real life. Don't get me wrong it was still crazy sparkly, just not the shade I expected.

Today's post features Mona Lisa from their Fall 2015 collection. I know brown can be an iffy color for some, but I think most of us can agree that this shade is stunning. Just look at that sparkle!

brown holographic nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Brown holo with brown holographic shards
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This shade leaves me speechless every time I wear it. I may be in the minority when it comes to brown polish, but this one is especially nice.

brown holographic nail polish with star and stamp

brown holographic nail polish with star and stamp

As we all know I can't leave anything alone, so I jazzed this up with some simple stamping and a gold star. I was hesitant to add more to a polish I already love, but I'm glad I went for it.

Products used

What's your go-to brand when you're looking for a treat?

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