Girly Bits Cosmetics Dead Man's Toe & KBShimmer Silver Swirls Decals

April 11, 2016

I'm sorry it's Monday again. I really hope this week goes well for all of you! Today I have my first attempt at water slide decals. I wanted to photograph the whole experience, but water + cameras don't mix, and I'm still video shy unless you follow me on Snapchat. Instead of videoing the process, I did my best to describe the experience. Let's start off with swatches of my base color:

Girly Bits Cosmetics- Dead Man's Toe

army green nail polish

army green nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Army green crelly with pink to gold shimmer
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This applied smoothly with no streaking. As a lover of all things green, this shade makes me incredibly happy. 

KBShimmer Silver Swirl Decals

army green nail polish with silver water slide decals

army green nail polish with silver water slide decals

This was my first time applying water slide decals, so I was fairly nervous about the whole thing. The decals in my swatches are the Silver Swirls from KBShimmer, and they were so easy to use. This isn't verbatim from the instructions but essentially you to cut them to size, soak in water for the given amount of time, slide off of the paper backing, and gently apply to nails. Once they are on your nail you apply a top coat and gently tug the excess decal down and away from your nail. It sounds far more risky than it really is. 

The wear time on the decals was far beyond what I expected. I wore this mani for a full week with zero chipping. That's nearly a lifetime by blogger standards. I usually get antsy about having the same mani for more than a day or two, but I really enjoyed this look. 


I'm really happy that I purchased both of these and paired them together. I've never, ever been disappointed with the quality of any Girly Bits or KBShimmer products, so it's nice to see that these follow the trend.

If you've ever had any hesitation about using water slide decals, I hope this resolves any of your concerns. Please know that if you have questions, I would be happy to help!

You can find these products in their respective web stores here:

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