Darling Diva Polish Naughty Bunny Collection

April 29, 2016

Darling Diva Polish Naughty Bunny Collection- Press Sample

I hope you guys are having a great Friday so far! I'm back with the upcoming Naughty Bunny collection from Darling Diva Polish. It took me a hot second to figure out what the inspiration for this collection was, but once it clicked for me it was all nostalgia. Kick back for a moment and check out this fun and snarky eight piece collection.

Hi Loser

pastel green nail polish

pastel green nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel green creme
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: As a lover of all things green, this shade is a must for me. During the first application I had minor issues with leveling. I believe this to be due to our incredibly high (80%+) humidity at the time. After retesting this shade I was unable to replicate the issue. 

Go Suck Someplace Else

pastel buttercream nail polish

pastel buttercream nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel buttercream
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: This is the buttercream/light yellow I've been searching for. It's going to make for some great undies.

I Made A Little Sculpture of You

pastel orange nail polish

pastel orange nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel orange creme
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: I'm not usually an orange fan, but this shade reminds me of my grandparent's decor growing up. It's a fun shade, and not nearly as violent as some other shades of orange. 

I'll Be Nicer When You're Smarter

purple flakie nail polish

purple flakie nail polish

purple flakie nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Purple multichrome flakie topper
Coverage: 1 coat
Notes: This is shown over Go Suck Someplace Else, Hi Loser, and I Made A Little Sculpture of You respectively. It's a great flakie topper that works with just about any shade.

Hating You Makes Me All Warm Inside

pastel pink nail polish

pastel pink nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel pink creme
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: This shade is a smidge more pink (less blue toned) in person.

It's Okay If You Want to Drop Dead

pastel blue nail polish

pastel blue nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel blue creme
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This light blue is one of those shades that will look nice on everyone. 

Cute, But Psycho

pastel purple nail polish

pastel purple nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Pastel purple creme
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This shade appears a smidge more purple in person. 

Crazy Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It

holographic glitter nail polish

holographic glitter topper

holographic glitter nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Holographic glitter topper
Coverage: 1 coat
Notes: This is one coat shown over Hating You Makes Me All Warm Inside, It's Okay if You Want to Drop Dead, and Cute But Psycho respectively. I wouldn't say that this is non-graying, but it doesn't gray nearly as much as other holographic top coats.


I'm really happy with the whole collection. There's something quite nice about having a rainbow collections from time to time.

The Naughty Bunny collection will be available on the Darling Diva Polish website at 7pm CST tonight, April 29th. 

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