Painted Polish Frisky in Fuchsia with UberChic Stamping

March 03, 2016

I'm slowly becoming a fan of matte things. I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about matte top coats, but I'm warming up to them after a few years. One of the nail art challenges I'm participating in called for a matte polish, so I decided to matte Painted Polish Frisky in Fuchsia.

Matte pink nail polish with peacock stamping

Matte pink nail polish with peacock stamping

I started with two coats of Painted Polish Frisky in Fuchsia. Once that had time to dry I topped it with a thin coat of Essie Matte About You. If you are new to matte top coats, know that it's incredibly important to use thin coats. If you use a thicker coat you may end up with a gritty finish. I let the matte top coat dry for at least ten minutes before stamping over it with this pretty peacock stamp.

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I feel like the peacock stamp really pulled this look together. I wasn't sure how I was going to place it at first, but I like how it ended up. 

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