March Clairestelle8 Nail Art Challenge - Sport

March 05, 2016

I swore I was going to stop posting on the weekend, but I will always make an exception for a @clairestelle8 challenge. I want to start off this post by sharing the rich depths of ILNP After Midnight.

ILNP- After Midnight

blue jelly holographic nail polish

blue jelly holographic nail polish

blue jelly holographic nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Midnight blue jelly with holographic pigment and holographic shards
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This shade is simply stunning on its own.

blue jelly holographic nail polish with fish stamping

Today's prompt is "Sport" which isn't necessarily my favorite thing. I briefly considered doing a barbell or dumbbell to play off of "Polished Lifting", but my freehand skills aren't that refined. After going over a couple ideas I tried to convince my husband that hiking was a sport. He looked at me sideways and informed me that hiking was NOT a sport. That left me entirely lost for the day. I did the next thing that came to mind- I googled it! That's when I settled on fishing as my sport.

Products used

  • ILNP- After Midnight
  • Glisten & Glow- HK Girl Top Coat
  • UberChic Beauty- The Far East 01
  • Sinful Colors- Snow Me White
I like how this turned out even though I find fishing to be quite boring. Give me a good hockey game or something with a lot of action!

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