Firecracker Lacquer Twin Mani with Kendahl

March 07, 2016

Press sample

The blogger curse strikes again! Kendahl (Firecracker Lacquer) and I did this twin mani back in early February in remembrance of the great Alan Rickman, and I'm just getting around to posting it.

nail polish gradient

nail polish gradient

I started with two coats of Power of the Horn, and topped it off with a clear coat. Once that had ample time to dry, I used a damp makeup sponge to apply the remaining shades. My photos show two coats with a top coat.

Products used

  • Firecracker Lacquer- The Unbeatable Wand, The Cloak's Secret, A Stone to Resurrect, Beating Death, Power of the Horn
  • Firecracker Lacquer- Seal the Deal Blackout
  • makeup sponge

This was supposed to be a gradient using Firecracker Lacquer's  Deathly Holos collection, but it didn't blend as well as I had hoped. I still think it's gorgeous, just not quite what I was going for. 

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