Rica Polish Gnomes and Zombies

December 28, 2015

I swatched Rica Polish Gnomes and Zombies like five hundred years ago. Actually, it was more like near Halloween. I kept trying to get these photos out to you guys, but my schedule just wasn't allowing for personal swatches at the time.

Rica Polish was brand new to me when I purchased this. I had heard of the brand, but never really investigated it until I saw swatches for October's GNOME box. I'm so happy I took the plunge to get this because I absolutely adore this color!

Rica Polish Gnomes and Zombies

Rica Polish Gnomes and Zombies

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Sage green holo with blue, orange, and green glitter
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This was one of the more unique colors I saw around this last October. It was such a gorgeous shade that I knew I had to have it.


Gnomes and Zombies was part of the October GNOME box by Rica Polish and Stardust Polish. This color was limited edition, and no longer available. If you can find this color in a destash I recommend snatching it up immediately. You aren't going to find another one like it. 

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