Bohemian Polish Adirondack Winter

December 04, 2015

Press sample

Bohemian Polish is back with a delightful Adirondack Winter collection to make you feel at home for the holidays. This eight piece collection features classic color for the winter season.


Bohemian Polish Snowbound

Bohemian Polish Snowbound

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: White creme with iridescent glitter
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: After many attempts, I was unable to capture the iridescent glitter. You will have to trust me that it's in there, and it makes this polish super pretty.

After the Bonfire

Bohemian Polish After the Bonfire

Bohemian Polish After the Bonfire

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Gray creme with gold to blue shifting flakes
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: The blue to gold shifting flakes are unique to anything I've ever encountered. It really encompasses that bonfire feeling.


Bohemian Polish Twilight

Bohemian Polish Twilight

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Blue holo with purple to blue microflakes
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: The microflakes really make this color for me. It goes beyond the typical holo with a little something extra.

Lake Placid Gold

Bohemian Polish Lake Placid Gold

Bohemian Polish Lake Placid Gold

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Holographic gold glitter
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: This is like gold fairy dust only 100x better.

A Cardinal in Winter

Bohemian Polish A Cardinal In Winter

Bohemian Polish A Cardinal In Winter

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Red holo
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: This bright red holo is the simply classic.


Bohemian Polish Cranberry

Bohemian Polish Cranberry

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Rich red creme
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: Everyone needs a rich red creme like this. If you don't already have one, you need this.

Boughs of Pine

Bohemian Polish Boughs of Pine

Bohemian Polish Boughs of Pine

Formula: Nice consistency
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: I did my best to capture the deep evergreen of Boughs of Pine, but my camera does not like deep greens. I would compare this to Off the Trail if you were to darken it, and remove the holo.

Off the Trail

Bohemian Polish Off the Trail

Bohemian Polish Off the Trail

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Dark green holo
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: My favorite color, in holo form. I'm sure you guessed this already, but this is my favorite color in the collection.


The Adirondack Winter collection is a classic take on winter colors. Sometimes traditional is exactly what I'm looking for, and Jen nail it on the head. You can find the Adirondack Winter colelction in Bohemian Polish's Etsy store. 

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