Stunning Braids- A Guide on Creating the Perfect Look

November 22, 2015

Press sample

I'm no pro when it comes to hair styling, so when I was given the opportunity to try and review Stunning Braids I was excited for the opportunity. This post is going to give you a look inside the book, as well as a hair style I attempted on my sister.

Stunning Braids

Stunning Braids Textured Waves

Different curling and straightening techniques are outlined in the beginning of the book. The techniques are used as a base for a variety of styles, or they can be worn as is.

Stunning Braids Knot Braid

I picked out the knot braid because I thought it would be interesting without being overly complex. 

After two attempts this is what we ended up with. I'm obviously a novice at hair styling, but I think it was a good result given my level of experience. 

If you have any experience with hair styling (not throwing your hair in a ponytail), the instructions should be a breeze.

What do you guys think about hair styling books? Do you find them useful?

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