Fitbit Challenge- Fit For Good

November 06, 2015

Hey guys! I hope you are having a fantastic Friday. The weather is gorgeous around here (for once), and it's really putting me in a good mood.

I wanted to write a quick post for all of you Fitbit users out there. Fitbit is running another FitForGood challenge where your steps get translated into charity donations. Here's a screenshot I took from the website:

Fitbit Fit For Good Polished Lifting National Multiple Sclerosis Society

To join this challenge go to FitForGood, and log in with your Fitbit account. From there it will ask you what charity you would like to support. Once you make your selection, you should see the landing page below:

Fitbit Fit For Good Polished Lifting National Multiple Sclerosis Society

I chose to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, because the cause is near and dear to my heart. I hope you all join the challenge regardless of what charity you choose. As Fitbit says "Good for me. Good for we."

I'm going to be tweeting, and possibly blogging/Instagramming through the challenge. I'm not much of a runner, so my posts will be focused on the unique ways to get some extra steps in. 

If you would like to connect with me on the Fitbit platform you can find me here. Just make sure to send me a message, or leave me a comment below so I know who you are.

What charity are you going to support? Let me know what you picked in the comments section!

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