Orly- Halley's Comet

March 05, 2014

I was gifted this color a while back, and decided I needed to swatch it for you. I want to add a HUGE disclaimer before you fall too deeply in love. This color stains big time. It stained my nails, and all of the skin around my fingers were stained a medium blue. Some of it came off when I showered, but it took a few days to completely get rid of the color. I can't imagine what kind of damage this would do if I had worn it for longer than an hour.



Halley's Comet is a rich medium blue and green shimmer. The green shimmer is really subtle and only noticeable in certain natural light settings. Halley's Comet is super sparkly with or without direct light. I think that's one of the many reasons I like it. Unfortunately, the intense staining ruins this color for me. I will probably only wear it on my toes from here on out so that it doesn't stain my hands again. Shown above is two coats topped with Revlon- Quick Dry Top Coat.

How do you feel about colors that stain? Are they a deal-breaker?

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  1. Such a pretty shade! I want :)

  2. But it's so pretty! Stupid staining. Hmph. Totally a deal-breaker for me.

  3. Darn! I wish it didn't stain. Its such a pretty color too.. What base coat did you use? Maybe I can find a kind that would lessen the staining.. *crosses fingers* :)


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