Black Cat Lacquer- Poison Apple Review

March 06, 2014

I was recently given Poison Apple as a gift, and was beyond excited to try it. I love thermals, but I didn't own anything in the red family. I had been drooling over Poison Apple and Evergreen for months, so I couldn't believe one of them was going to be mine!

Poison Apple


Poison Apple is a dark red to medium red thermal. It appears dark when it's cold and lighter when it's warm. Shown above is two coats topped with Revlon- Quick Dry Top Coat. While I love the color of this thermal, I had several huge issues. It arrived with separated pigment that appeared to be a rusty red color. No matter what I tried I couldn't shake it back together. In addition to this, some of the separated pigment was towards the top, and ended up on the brush. When I painted my nails it left chunks that could not be smoothed out. This is most noticeable on the upper portion of my pinkie finger nail.

I contacted the owner of Black Cat Lacquer about this, and she promptly wrote back saying this was normal. I was rather astonished, so I asked around to see if my incident was an isolated experience. While searching, I came across a post by Sarah of Tunay Na Mahal. She has only owned her bottle of Poison Apple for four months and it has separated worse than mine has. Here's a link to her original post with photos and more info.


Seeing as I was not the only one with this issue I contacted the owner of Black Cat Lacquer stating the facts and requesting a replacement bottle. It has been nine days, and I have not gotten a response. She has been active on her Facebook page as well as Instagram. At this point, I am really disappointed with Black Cat Lacquer and have no intention of purchasing from them in the future. I understand that things happen from time to time, but I have not been contacted at all. The lack of integrity to remediate the problem bothers me.

I really like supporting indies, but when something like this occurs it makes me wary of purchasing from unfamiliar brands.

What positive experiences have you encountered with a brand (indie or otherwise)?

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  1. These color changing polishes are so cool! This one is great :)

  2. I'm so disappointed with the lack of customer service. This color is incredible but I would *never* want to put that on my nails, for fear of it doing exactly what it did. :(

  3. I'm so bummed out because I wanted to pick up Evergreen too. I don't want to take the risk considering how expensive they are.

  4. I linked your post in my BCL post too. Her polishes are pretty, but her customer service is severely lacking. :-/ And Poison Apple has some serious formulation issues. :-/

  5. Such a bummer about the customer service, this is GORGEOUS but I would not want to purchase from a brand with no communication.


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