He Picks My Polish

March 28, 2014

If you are unfamiliar with #HePicksMyPolish, here are a few graphics made by The Sparkle Queen to explain it:



This is my first time participating in such a large hashtag. When I learned of #HePicksMyPolish I knew I had to let Brian give it a try. It was kind of an interesting to watch his process. He carefully pulled out bottles one at a time, compared it to the color he already picked and either kept the color or exchanged it for a new one.

Here's what I ended up with:



I was SHOCKED that Brian picked such nice colors! Shown above is one coat of OPI- Suzi Skis In The Pyrenees Suede topped with Model City Polish- Bobbing For Apples. I did not use a topcoat to keep the suede effect of the OPI.

What do you guys think?

***Disclaimer: Over the next month you will see a variation in the lighting used in my photos. While all polish colors are true to life, my skin tone is not. My lighting was a little wonky, so I replaced it. What you are currently seeing is from my new lighting set-up. I would love to hear your feedback on the new lighting if you have a moment.


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  1. This is so cute, I really need that MCP! Your new lighting looks great! :D

  2. I love the colors he picked out! He did a good job.

    The lighting in these pictures looks fantastic!

  3. Wow! Please give him a super high five for me! He picked you some FABULOUS colors to work with there, and you rocked them beautifully! SO glad you both joined in :)

  4. Great colors he picked! It looks amazing here :)

  5. The process he went through sounds so cute <3 I wish I had a "he" that could do the same for me.
    The look turned out amazing <3 Like glowing embers in a bed of coals. Beautiful!


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