31dc2017 - Rainbow Stripes feat. Bliss Polish & Zoya

September 09, 2017

31dc2017 - Rainbow Stripes feat. Bliss Polish & Zoya - Press sample

I can't believe we are already to day nine of the #31dc2017! I really thought this challenge would be the end of me, but it seems to be ok so far. I've learned that if you are doing daily manis they aren't always going to be perfect, and that's ok.

For today's look I opted to do rainbow stripes using a stamping plate. Tried a couple of techniques for this look before I took them to my nails. I started with a white swatch on my UberMat and tried applying the colors to each individual stripe on my UberChic Out of Africa plate. When that turned into a giant muddled mixture (it seriously wasn't pretty), I decided to stamp each line individually. This technique won out despite being crooked.

rainbow stripe stamped nail art

These certainly aren't the straightest lines I've ever seen, but they will do for a single day mani. Next time I would approach this with nail tape or vinyls instead of trying to line up the stamper.

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