31dc2017 Cute Dinosaurs feat. Zoya Gal & Born Pretty Store

September 03, 2017

31dc2017 Cute Dinosaurs feat. Zoya Gal & Born Pretty Store - Press sample

It's day three of the 31dc2017 challenge! Today's prompt was yellow nails, so I opted for Zoya Gal as my base color. It's yellow-ish... right?

dinosaur nail art

This dinosaur plate has been in my "to use" queue for a bit and I've been longing for an opportunity to use it. I'm not sure why I decided to do these over Zoya Gal, but I thought it would be a good fit. It's kind of ugly and kind of cute. I totally don't hate it.

dinosaur nail art

Products used

You can use CBLW10 for 10% off all regularly priced items at the Born Pretty store. 

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