Pink Skulls featuring Morgan Taylor

May 20, 2017

Pink Skulls featuring Morgan Taylor - Press sample

Woohoo! And with this post I am *finally* back on track with the #clairestelle8may challenge. Today's post is themed Halloween in May, and features two new shades from Morgan Taylor's Selfie collection.

While I absolutely love Halloween, I thought I would glam it up a bit since we are in May.

skull nail art

I don't know if you guys remember my review of the Morgan Taylor Celebrations 1 Designer Plates, but I promised that there would be more manis using those images. This challenge prompt was a perfect opportunity to bust out some Halloween themed stamping outside of October.

skull nail art

I mean, you can't really argue with the fact that pink skulls are totally cute in a badass kind of way.

skull nail art

Product list

Stay tuned for swatches of the Morgan Taylor Selfie Collection coming soon!

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