City Nail Art featuring MoYou London

May 31, 2017

Oh man. You guys can probably see that I fell behind on this nail art challenge. If you didn't notice the lack of posts just pretend that these are totally on time. May turned out to be an unexpectedly busy month all around. Work picked up, my training has been taking up more time, and I've attended more social gatherings than normal. I *think* things are settling down now, so there will be an uptick in posts soon! I have at least 24 manicures that need to be retouched and posted, some of which date all the way back to February.

Today's post features my take on the #clairestelle8may challenge prompt "cities". At first I was entirely stumped on what to do, but then I remembered I had an adorable image plate from MoYou London that I had yet to use.

city themed nail art

How cute are these houses?! I just want to move right in.

You may notice that some of these shades don't quite look like the polishes under the product list. I was feeling particularly... picky? that day and decided to create custom blends using a few different shades. I'm not entirely sure what I mixed together for some of the colors, but all of the polishes used are listed below.

city themed nail art

Products used

I have one more challenge prompt I need to do to complete all eight. I'm hoping to get that finished and posted soon!

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