Baroness X Warm Toned Gem Collection Water Marble

February 15, 2017

Baroness X Warm Toned Gem Collection Water Marble- Press sample

Hey guys! I hope you are having a wonderful week so far. Today's post, and the next two posts after this one are going to feature the Baroness X Gem Collection. I've split the collection into three groupings to create three different water marbles. Each water marble uses 2-3 toppers with a layer of clear coat in between each shade.

For today's post I chose the three warmest toned shades from the Gem Collection. I liked how they looked side by side, so I thought they would make a great water marble.

shimmery water marble

This look uses Rubi, Topacio and Citrino to create a space-like marble. It's supposed to have kind of a floating, ethereal appearance.

shimmery water marble

shimmery water marble

One thing I learned while marbling with these shimmery top coats is that you MUST use a good cuticle barrier. For this first marble I used a thin coat of liquid latex, but I didn't swipe any underneath the free edge of my nail. Because of this choice, I ended up with shimmer everywhere. It was something akin to my first experience with glitter. I didn't realize how much it could spread, or how long it would stick around. For future water marble attempts with these shimmers I used a generous covering of liquid latex and/or the sticker style cuticle protectors.

shimmery water marble

Products used

The entire Baroness X Holiday Shimmer Gem Collection is currently on sale for $60. Individually, each topper retails for $8.50 + s&h.

If you enjoyed this post you might like Baroness X Unicorn Box and Baroness X Royal Oil Refill Tutorial.

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