Bohemian Polish Washed Out 3.0 Water Marble

September 19, 2016

Bohemian Polish Washed Out 3.0 Water Marble- Press sample

It's Monday, and very little grabs my attention right now. You know what I mean. It's one of those days where even coffee can't clear the clouds. I figured the best option for this Monday was something bright. For some strange reason I've had this Bohemian Polish Washed Out 3.0 Collection water marble just hanging out in my "to-do" folder for a while. Instead of letting it sit for a day more, I thought I should post it and see what you guys think.

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nail art

nail art

For this look I opted to make water marble decals for the sake of my sanity. They make placement and clean up a breeze! 

This mani was done with the entire Bohemian Polish Washed Out 3.0 collection. As you can see, the new and improved Washed Out release is far brighter than previous versions. This means that undies are completely unnecessary for a water marble. Water marbles are a lot of work, so eliminating the need for a base color is really important to me.

If you would like to pick up a set of neons for water marbling, I can't recommend the Bohemian Polish Washed Out 3.0 collection enough. While you're there, be sure to check out her cuticle oils. She has an insane selection of scents!

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