Square Nail Art featuring ILNP Rolling Hills

June 06, 2016

I decided last minute to join the June @clairestelle8 challenge. When I decided to join I thought I had plenty of time to get things sorted out. I totally spaced out on how the dates would fall, and eventually came to realize the first prompt would coincide with my youngest sister's high school grad party. I didn't want to miss out on the rest of this month's challenge prompts, so I decided to do the "squares" prompt even though I knew it would be late.

challenge prompts

ILNP Rolling Hills

mint metallic nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Icy mint metallic with holographic micro flakies
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: Coverage may appear a bit uneven with the first coat, but that tends to be normal with flakie based polish. I found that a thin second coat was all that was needed to reach full coverage.

mint metallic nail polish with pink squares

Being short on time I wanted to pick something that would stand out while not require a lot of time on my part. I started with a base of Rolling Hills, and finished it off with some punchy pink stamping.

I am still having issues with my UberChic plates despite the fact that they replaced sets 7 & 8 for me. The image used in my manicure was on the corner of a warped plate, which made it difficult to get a clean scrape. This is also why I opted to only stamp two out of five nails in this manicure. For every nail stamped, I averaged about four attempts before I could get a clean transfer. If you are struggling with your UberChic plates please refer to this post.

Products used


If you would like to replicate this look you can find all of the products listed above. I'm reasonably happy with how this turned out, minus the continued UberChic issues. 

I'm hoping to have my next prompt ready to go for tomorrow's deadline (eep!). Wish me luck!

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