Beachy Water Marble featuring Bohemian Polish

June 25, 2016

I've done a few beach themed manis in the past, so I wanted toss it up a bit for this @clairestelle8challenge prompt. With the recent release of the Bohemian Polish Washed Out 3.0 collection, I felt as though it was only fitting to use one of those. Just a note for clarity, the Bohemian Polish was given to me for review. It does not change the way I feel about them at all (hence why I keep using them).

Before I settled on a final idea, I tested a couple of neutral sandy colored polishes to see what would water marble the best. I was pleasantly surprised that Bohemian Polish Mojave Morning worked so well. I wasn't sure if it would be a good candidate because of the shimmer, but everything turned out golden.

blue and cream water marble

blue and cream watermarble

You may have noticed that my marbles don't have any water spots. I decided to give the decal technique another go, and was much happier with that version of water marbling. If you are unfamiliar with the technique I will give you a quick rundown. You create the marble as usual, but instead of dunking your finger into the water, you wait for the polish to dry before cutting it into nail sized shapes. At that point you apply it as you would a stamping decal. It's easy peasey, and half the mess of the traditional water marble method.

Products used

Will you give water marbling a go knowing that the decal method is less messy?

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