Uber Chic Beauty Succulent Plate Review

May 05, 2016

Whoot whoot it's Friday again! I may not have anything exciting planned for this weekend, but I'm still happy for the break.

Today's post is focused on the new Uber Chic Beauty Uber Mini: Succulents plate. As a succulent hoarder lover I felt like this was a "must have" for me. I'm not going to share a close up of the plate, but you can find that here. I have mixed feelings about this plate, so let's get down to business by showing what I did with it first.

*OG Snowman is a press sample

Products used

  • Glisten & Glow- OG Snowman*, HK Girl Top Coat
  • Sally Hansen Insta-Dri- Cherry Fast, Lickety Split Lime, Brisk Blue
  • Uber Chic Beauty Uber Mini: Succulents

I wouldn't call myself a novice, or even an intermediate stamper. I've been stamping for longer than I've had this blog (3+ years). Would you believe me if I told you it took 45 minutes just to pick up one clear image from this plate? I tried everything you could imagine to resolve the stamping issues. I used a clear jelly stamper, a medium sticky stamper, a hard black stamper, and an even more firm Konad stamper. I varied the pressure and angles of the stamping and scraping. I tried different scrapers, and even different polishes. The only thing that kind of worked was using minimal pressure and a hard stamper. That makes you wonder what the hell is going on with all of this.

I noticed two issues with my plate: the plate doesn't lay flat, and it's not etched very deeply. For the uneven plate, I found that if you hold it flat using your non-scraping hand, you can usually flatten it enough to get an even scrape. Images along the edge are particularly difficult because of the bend, and are only slightly improved by pushing down to flatten the plate.

To pick up the image it comes down to how you scrape, and how lucky you are. Yes, I am saying that luck plays a part in this. If you scrape to the point where you see a clean image you've scraped too much polish off. If you scrape lightly where the image looks muddled and/or obstructed by extra polish you have a 33% chance of picking the image up and having it be clear. The other 66% of the time there actually was polish obstructing the image.

I've noticed that some people are having no issues with this plate. I have two theories as to why this may be the case. Either their plate is just fine, or they are using a non-nail polish product like Mundo de Unas to stamp with. That's a whole other beast I won't get into, but MdU should not be available for public use.

While I hate writing such a negative review, I felt like it was time to get my honest opinions out there. I've contacted UberChic Beauty about other plate issues on several occasions. I never did a write up on prior issues, but let me give you an idea of what I've emailed them about. One email was regarding an image that did not match the website image. I did not ask for a replacement, I was just letting them know of the error. My last order that was shipped contained the wrong plates because they were labeled with the wrong barcode. Once I received the correct plates, I noticed that they were incredibly warped. It was to the point where I couldn't pick up any image along any of the edges of the plates. They sent out replacements for both collections, but I haven't had the time to try them out yet. For full transparency, here's a collage of the photos I sent to customer service.


I'm at the point where I feel like a whiny customer even though I know that the plates I've received are sub par. I don't plan on contacting them about this plate because I just resolved an issue with all of the other plates that were part of this order. While their customer service is polite and prompt, I feel like their quality dipped as their popularity rose. For this reason, I don't see myself purchasing from UberChic Beauty anytime in the future. That said, I do love the plates I've purchased (once the quality had been fixed) and I will continue to use them.

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