Bohemian Polish Tropical Water Marble

May 11, 2016

Bohemian Polish Washed Out 2.0 collection- Press sample

With summer creeping around the corner, I felt it was only appropriate to bust out my Bohemian Polish Washed Out 2.0 collection for a water marble. Now it's been a while since I've done a water marble, so my skills are a wee bit rusty. Hopefully you guys can forgive my mistakes.

neon watermarble nail art

neon watermarble nail art

Products used

I'm not going to go into detail on how to do a water marble, but you can find my previous post with tips here.

I'm hoping with some additional practice I will be able to eliminate the water bubbles completely. If you have any tips on getting rid of bubbles be sure to leave me a comment below!

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