Twin Paw Print Nail Art with Nichole of Bedlam Beauty

January 05, 2016

I hope you are all having a great new year so far. I'm finally back with some twin nail art with Nichole of Bedlam Beauty. My birthday was yesterday, so I wanted to do something fun without committing to a typical birthday mani. As crazy cat ladies we decided it was necessary to do a paw print mani.

Paw Print nail art featuring Girly Bits Cosmetics On Toast! and Bohemian Polish Here I Go

Paw Print nail art featuring Girly Bits Cosmetics On Toast! and Bohemian Polish Here I Go

I started off with four coats of Bohemian Polish Here I Go. Once that dried I used Girly Bits Cosmetics On Toast! to create the paw prints. It was seriously that simple.

Products used

  • Bohemian Polish- Here I Go, Flash Dry
  • Girly Bits Cosmetics- On Toast!
  • Dotting tools

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