Leeloo Soap Sugar Scrubs

January 27, 2016

Press sample

Proper hand care is the first step to a fantastic manicure. One of the more overlooked steps in hand care is exfoliation. We do it to our face and feet, but rarely do we consider exfoliating our hands. As someone with sensitive skin, I need to approach exfoliation carefully and with the right products. When Janah of LeeLoo Soap contacted me about trying her sugar scrub cubes I was ecstatic. I wrote up a glowing review of her soap and bath bombs a while back, so I knew the cubes were going to be spot on.

Leeloo Soap Sugar Scrub Cubes

The sugar scrub cubes can be used in a variety of different ways, but I chose to explore them as a manicure prep tool. Let's start off by checking out some photos and scent descriptions.

Lemon Burst

Leeloo Soap Sugar Scrub Cubes Lemon Burst

Leeloo Soap Sugar Scrub Cubes Lemon Burst

The Lemon Burst has a strong, bright lemon scent that would be best described as fresh. It's not at all overwhelming, which is something I look for in a product like this.


Leeloo Soap Sugar Scrub Cubes Mimosa

Leeloo Soap Sugar Scrub Cubes Mimosa

Mimosa is a delightful citrus based scent that gives hints of orange and champagne. It's my favorite scent of the two because of the complexity of the scent notes. 

To prepare for a manicure I took one cube and slightly moistened it with water. Once it was on the squishy side I massaged it into my hands until the sugar was mostly dissolved. From there I gave my hands a rinse in warm water and patted them dry with a lint free towel. After using a sugar scrub my hands felt significantly more soft, but not greasy. 


I like the result of the sugar scrub cubes, but I would caution against using them more than once or twice a week. Too much exfoliation can cause dryness, so it's important to not overdo it. 

You can find Leeloo's Sugar Scrub Cubes in her Etsy store for $12 a container. I haven't counted all of the cubes in my containers, but I would guess that you could probably get at least 18-24 uses out of each one.

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