Hare Polish Let Them Eat... What?

October 26, 2015

After digging through some files I found a bunch of content that hadn't been posted yet. The lighting quality isn't as nice as my current posts, but I thought it would be silly to throw away so many swatches. The polish colors are accurate, but my skin tone looks a bit off. I will be posting these backlogged swatches on Tuesday and Thursday until I clear through the backlog.

This Hare Polish found its way to me thanks to a friends watchful eye. She spotted it in a destash and contacted me immediately. Some of you might find this one a little different, even ugly perhaps. It's one that might have to grow on you. When I first saw it I hated it. After a few more swatches I realized that I liked it. I'm honestly not sure what changed, but I'm happy it's mine.

Hare Polish Let Them Eat... What?

Hare Polish Let Them Eat... What?

Hare Polish Let Them Eat... What?

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Gloss with glitter
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: This color has a nice consistency, and I had no issues with coverage. I do recommend a thick top coat to smooth out all the glitter.

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