Emily de Molly Dark Forces and Pueen Stamping

October 16, 2015

I'm still on the quest to finish off my untrieds. My pile is slowing down for the moment, but I still feel the urgency to reduce its size. One of my untrieds was Emily de Molly Dark Forces.

Emily de Molly Dark Forces and Cosmic Forces are legendary in the indie world. Before I knew a whole lot about indies, I heard people reference Dark Forces frequently. At the time I didn't understand the indie hype, or why Dark Forces was so popular. After seeing it in person I knew it needed to be mine!

Emily de Molly Dark Forces

Emily de Molly Dark Forces Sally Hansen Plum Luck Revlon Silver Dollar Pueen 48

Formula: Nice consistency. Thinner than most jellies
Finish: Opaque black jelly with various shapes and sizes of circle glitter
Coverage: 3 coats
Notes: Some people have difficulties with the larger circles sitting flat. I didn't find this to be an issue despite my nail curvature. This definitely needs a thicker top coat to seal in the glitter.

Emily de Molly Dark Forces Sally Hansen Plum Luck Revlon Silver Dollar Pueen 48

Products Used
  • Emily de Molly- Dark Forces
  • Sally Hansen Plum Luck
  • Revlon Silver Dollar
  • Pueen 48
  • Poshe Top Coat


Dark Forces really lived up to the hype I've heard over the years. I'm really happy it's part of my collection.

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