Hare Polish Elysian Fields

July 22, 2015

I have another #HumpDayHare for you guys! My Hare addiction is running strong thanks to Shelby of Shelby Lou Nails. Today I have Elysian Fields topped with studs from Firecracker Lacquer.

Hare Polish Elysian Fields

Hare Polish Elysian Fields Firecracker Lacquer studs

Hare Polish Elysian Fields Firecracker Lacquer studs

Formula: A bit on the thick side. I will thin it out before the next use.
Finish: Gloss with shimmer
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: This was significantly thicker than I was expecting. It wasn't unmanageable, but a little thinner will do it some good. I absolutely adore the color!

*Studs were provided for review. All opinions are my own.

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  1. I love the color on this. It's so perfectly... swamp-y? That sounds bad but I mean it in a good way. I just want to through some fish in there. A jelly sandwich but with fish. In my head, it's miraculous.


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