Bohemian Polish Water Marble using Washed Out 2.0

July 17, 2015

Bohemian Polish Washed Out 2.0- Press Sample

In my previous swatches I mentioned that the Bohemian Polish Washed Out 2.0 collection was made to water marble. I really want to take a moment to emphasize how easy it was to water marble with this collection. In the past, I avoided the water marble technique because it was frustrating and messy. The messy part could be fixed by taping around your fingers, but I couldn't exactly wrap my head around the technique. After some trial and error, I've learned that it's really important to start with the right consistency of polish. Here is my third attempt (ever) at a water marble.

Bohemain Polish Terrapin Golden Hair Birdie Hop Long Gone

Bohemain Polish Terrapin Golden Hair Birdie Hop Long Gone

Bohemain Polish Terrapin Golden Hair Birdie Hop Long Gone

For my marble I laid down two coats of Sinful Shine Wisp. Once that had completely dried I marbled over the top of it with Bohemian Polish Terrapin, Golden Hair, Birdie Hop, and Long Gone.

Water Marble Tips for Success:

  • Use room temperature water in a small dish
  • Turn off fans/ac
  • Use a pointy object (like a sewing pin) to draw your design
  • Insert your nail into the marble at an angle leading with the free edge
  • Use a q-tip or toothpick to remove any excess polish in the water
  • Remove your finger slowly at an angle
  • Wick away water spots with a paper towel. Do NOT make contact with your nail

You can pick up the Washed Out 2.0 collection in Bohemian Polish's store for $9/bottle.

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What are your experiences with water marbling?

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  1. Your water marble turned out amazing!

  2. Your middle finger is like, what water marble should be. Phenomenal.

    I need to do more water marbles. Or just, you know, paint my nails. Gotta pull out the cat piss and lay something down.


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