Sweat Pink #NoExcuses Mad Lib

January 12, 2015

Sweat Pink No Excuses Polished Lifting

This year it's all about #NoExcuses. This could mean that some days are longer than others in order to meet or exceed goals. As a Sweat Pink ambassador I challenge you to join me! 

Each day has a fitness related prompt to follow that just about everyone can do. Today's prompt (Monday 1/12) is to do 30 sec planks in any variation. Post a photo of you doing your planks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or your blog. Use #NoExcuses and if you want to make sure I see it, #PolishedLifting. Let's see those planks!

In addition to the daily challenge, I filled out a Mad Lib style goal sheet made by the lovely ladies of Sweat Pink. Copy it from below and let me know how you plan to dominate 2015. 

  • Hey 2015, it’s me Breedlovehoops aka Courtney(nickname, spirit animal, real name, blog name)
  • This year I would like to deadlift 250lbs, benchpress 150lbs, and squat 200lbs.
  • It would also be super duper awesome if I also hiked more this year. It’s not a resolution, though, just a reminder to myself to try and have the best year yet because I want to enjoy it!
  • The thing I am looking forward to most this year is spending more time with my fiance as we reach our fitness goals.
  • I’ll use the one thing that truly gets me out of bed in the morning which is coffee to help me get up, get moving(verb) and get after my #NoExcuses 2015.
  • Speaking of excuses (ahem), my very favorite excuse is "I'm exhausted" and I have used it to get out of doing yardwork and cardio on more than 10 (number) occasions.
  • I vow to move my body and be more healthy this year even if it means I have to drink more coffee.
  • Even if my alarm clock gets eaten by the dog in the middle of the night, I'll still roll my lazy butt out of bed.
  • I will stop blaming the pet rock [ex: kids, dog, husband] for eating the rest of the cookies when everyone knows it was really me.
  • My fiance [job, hair, car, husband, kids] is not the reason I make excuses. I will show my fiance [same as before] who's boss this year and get my weightlifting [type of sweaty activity] on.
  • I know that weightlifting [type of workout] is better than cardio [noun]
  • I will reward myself by getting a new succulent or air plant when I reach a goal.
  • No Excuses 2015 has just begun and already I am imagining myself a winner. I can’t wait to rock a Zeal hoodie (article of clothing) from Augusta Active. I can’t wait till my sweaty friends are jealous of how fresh, clean and refreshed (adj) I am between workouts with help from ShowerPill body wipes. I can see myself rocking a deadlift[yoga pose / workout move] in Tie One On Leggings [article of clothing from Actio926] from Actio926 and looking fit and fly while doing it. And of course, I’ll be taking my workouts to the next level and improving my core [noun] with my new ActivMotion Bar to help me train for my first 5k [distance] race with Sasquatch Racing.
  • Oh, and let’s not forget how amazing my hoodie & leggings [article of clothing] will smell in my / during leg day [favorite type of workout] after washing with some WIN Detergent. And lastly, I’ll keep rocking my 2015 with clean eats and nutrition from Beaming with Health!
  • Tag, Tweet, shout-out, call, text, fax or email 3 friends to take this survey and share how they will have a #NoExcuses 2015. Remind your friends to simply fill in the underlined parts!
  • Use the #NoExcuses hashtag and post to win prizes from Augusta Active, ShowerPill, ActivMotion Bar, WIN Detergent, Actio926, Beaming with Health, and Sasquatch Racing.

The second to last bullet point said that I should call out a few people. I would love to see Kendahl (Firecracker Lacquer), Mary A. (Polish Gauntlet), Rachel K. (Polish Gauntlet), and my dear mom kill it this year!

I look forward to meeting my goals and helping you do the same. Let's kick ass this year, and make 2015 rock!

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  1. Some great goals you have for 2015! Cheering you on!

  2. Whaaaat. I am in but how the hell am I supposed to photograph myself doing a plank? It's hard enough for me to do as it is! haha

  3. Lean your phone against something and yell "capture"! I'm probably going to do planks on my forearms to get the photo haha.

  4. Thanks Lisa =)

  5. Great goals - love it! #NoExcuses #sweatpink

  6. #NoExcuses, eh? Well how about I just go ahead and declare my goal to take the U-Jam Fitness Instructor Workshop by the end of the year RIGHT HERE ON YOUR BLOG.

  7. YES! You are such a badass! I know you are going to be awesome =)


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