My Sweat Pink #NoExcuses Nominees

January 21, 2015

There are so many wonderful women out there who are killing it! I was asked to narrow down my picks to two people which was insanely tough. Here are my Sweat Pink #NoExcuses nominees:

Lisa of 110 Pounds and Counting

Lisa is one of those people who just doesn't quit. She lost 110 over several years, and turned into a total fitness badass! Lisa is constantly trying new things and enjoying an an active lifestyle in the beautiful NW. Over the years she has shown that you can enjoy everything in moderation. In addition to her fitness accomplishments, she is a pretty awesome friend.

Kendahl of The Stepmom Chronicles

Kendahl is relatively new to working out, but she realized that she wanted to make a change a few months ago. When Kendahl starts something, she really goes for it. Her first couple weeks in the gym were brutal, but she kept going back for more. Wanting to help and encourage other friends, Kendahl started a small Facebook group to help keep everyone accountable. Aside from fitness, Kendahl runs an awesome indie polish line called Firecracker Lacquer

It has been a pleasure to get to know these wonderful and inspiring ladies over the years!

Lisa & Kendahl: I challenge both of you to nominate two new people who embody the #NoExcuses movement.

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  1. Awesome to see this! They both sound like lovely ladies.


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