Spooky Halloween Stamping with Finger Lickin' Lacquer

October 08, 2014

I really hate spiders. If they end up in the house I usually grab Brian's shoe and give it a hard whack. At that point I leave his shoe in place and send him a silly text that says something like "you have a body to clean up in the bathroom", or "I left you a surprise in the kitchen". There are only two occasions where spiders are acceptable: when they are in my garden, and during Halloween.

Finger Lickin' Lacquer Bonfire Night Vivid Lacquer 013

I usually go all out when it comes to my favorite holidays, so a spider themed mani seemed rather appropriate. Today's mani features Finger Lickin' Lacquer's Bonfire Night, Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Silver Sweep, and Vivid Lacquer plate 013.

Finger Lickin' Lacquer Bonfire Night Vivid Lacquer 013

I'm going to be 100 percent honest here, I jumped a few times when I caught sight of the crawling spider on my middle finger. I was actually cleaning up weeds and grass around some flower beds, saw what I thought was a spider and jerked my hand away. 

I hope you are enjoying Autumn and the spooky decorations around you!

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  1. Hahaha that is hilarious! Next time stamp it in brown. It'll be even better. :P

  2. Love the spider stamping on this color!

  3. Love the spider stamp on the black holo! Great look!


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