Dia de los Muertos Calavera Twin Mani

October 31, 2014

I absolutely love doing twin manis, even more so when Kendahl agrees to join me. We both decided that doing sugar skulls would be a neat idea.

I took four years of Spanish in high school and learned a great deal about Dia de los Muertos and the significance behind the symbolism. The idea behind each calavera is that they are a representation of a passed loved one. Each calavera is uniquely designed and adorned with icing and other craft supplies. When the time comes, they are placed with an oferenda which is compromised of the deceased's favorite food, drink and personal effects.

Firecracker Lacquer Unexpected Chill, Sugar Skull, calavera, nail art, sinful colors

My calavera is a combination of several pieces of artwork I found across the internet. I can't seem to locate the image I loosely based my design off of, but the imagery is rather common.

Firecracker Lacquer Unexpected Chill, Sugar Skull, calavera, nail art, sinful colors

The design itself took a long time to paint. I don't do freehand artwork very often, so this was quite a challenge. I think the hardest part was getting the proportions correct. It's not an ultra sharp design, but I was really happy with how it turned out.

Firecracker Lacquer Unexpected Chill, Sugar Skull, calavera, nail art, sinful colors

For the colors I used Firecracker Lacquer- Unexpected Chill, Sinful Colors- Black on Black, Sinful Colors- Happy Ending, Sinful Colors- Unicorn, Sinful Colors- Amethyst, Rainbow Honey- All Your Base, Poshe- Top Coat. 

Be sure to check out Kendahl's version of the mani here!

If you would like to pick up Unexpected Chill (it glows in the dark) you can find it in the Firecracker Lacquer store.

*Firecracker Lacquer- Unexpected Chill was provided for review, all other colors were purchased by me.

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  1. I absolutely ADORE yours! You did a phenomenal job! Now, I'm off to actually post mine. #slackerblogger

  2. These look awesome! What detail to it too.


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