Rainbow Honey Twin Mani with The Stepmom Chronicles

August 20, 2014

My dear friend Kendahl of The Stepmom Chronicles spoiled me with Rainbow Honey Watermelon Fizz. Kendahl got herself the same color, so I insisted that we do a twin mani. I love doing twin manis because it's fun to realize that someone else is wearing the same color. Check out Kendahl's mani here.

Watermelon Fizz is a neon pink jelly jam packed with bright pink flakies. Pictured above is two coats topped with Poshe Top Coat. The formula was a bit on the thick side, but it wasn't unmanageable. I will probably add a little thinner the next time I use it.

As if the mani wasn't bright enough Kendahl and I decided to add neon studs into the mix. It totally reminded me of Lisa Frank every time I looked at it. 

If you dig the studs you can find them in Firecracker Lacquer's store.

What do you guys think? Is it too bright, or the perfect salute to summer?

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  1. Your nails are so much cuter than mine! Stupid nubs. :P We both totally rocked this bright mani.

  2. Yes Lisa Frank!! I love this. So damn summery.

  3. Your nubs are stinkin' cute!

  4. I still have some LF temporary tattoos from when I was a kid. I think I'm going to try to turn them into nail decals at some point.

  5. Fun pink and the studs are so bright too!


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