Triplet Mani With The Stepmom Chronicles and @rachelrad_cleveland

July 16, 2014

Hey guys! Kendahl, Rachel and I decided it was beyond time that we created a triplet mani together. When you have as many colors as we do you would think that we would have a ton of colors in common. Unfortunately, that isn't normally the case. Thanks to Rachel's incredible memory she was able to figure out what colors we all had in common. We decided to go with Model City Polish- Elements of Spring and OPI- Do You Lilac It?

Model City Polish Elements of Spring

As you can see, Elements of Spring is a total glitter bomb. I will just leave that right there for your viewing pleasure =)

Model City Polish Elements of Spring

Model City Polish Elements of Spring OPI Do You Lilac It

Pictured above is a glitter gradient of Model City Polish- Elements of Spring over OPI- Do You Lilac It? The formula of Elements of Spring is perfect. It's absolutely loaded with glitter, which made this gradient incredibly easy.

Please check out the other two matching manis on The Stepmom Chronicles and @rachelrad_cleveland.

If you would like to pick up a bottle of Elements of Spring please take a moment to visit Model City Polish.

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  1. You went so much lighter on the glitter than I did. I'm a glitter whore. These were so freaking cute though, I'm glad we did them!

  2. Oh man. You guys are harsh making me want Elements of Spring.

    As always, your glitter gradient is fan-fricken-tastic!!
    And dude, is it just me or are your nails longer than ever?

  3. This glitter looks gorgeous in this glitter gradient! The blue just pops off that purple base.

  4. I love that macro! WHY don't I ever remember to take macros?! Your gradients are amazing. I need to get on your level!

  5. You need it! And thanks, they are crazy long to the point of being problematic. I just filed off .25" and they still feel ridiculous.

  6. Well you are definitely really good at them!


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