Delight Naturals Lip Balm Review

July 28, 2014

I don't do very many reviews on here that aren't nail polish related. I like all beauty products, but I don't feel as though I am an "expert" with many of them. The one thing I am confident I know is lip balm. I've tried just about every mainstream lip balm you could think of. I want to step out of the box a little bit today and introduce you to a new-to-me indie balm company called Delight Naturals.

Delight Naturals Lip Balm

Delight Naturals carries a variety of different balms, but their main focus is on lip balm. There are about a million different scents to choose from. Of all of the scents I wanted to try I picked Dr. Whooves' Juicy Pear, Blackberry, Creamy Coffee, and Apple Jack's Apple Cider.

What is the first thing you do when you buy something scented? You smell it of course! I excitedly ripped open my package and inhaled the sweet aroma coming from inside. Blackberry, Creamy Coffee, and Apple Jack's Apple Cider were all very fragrant. Dr. Whooves' Juicy Pear was hard to smell until I applied it. It's a wonderful scent, but it's much more subtle than the other three. All of the scents smell exactly as you would expect them to.

I've been using these over the last week to get a good feel for the formula. The closest thing I can compare these to are EOS lip balms. Delight Naturals (regardless of the flavor used) retain moisture for as long as (if not longer than) EOS lip balms. The longevity of the scent is about equal to EOS as well. The only one that didn't last as long was Dr. Wooves' Juicy Pear. That was to be expected considering that it wasn't as fragrant from the start.

I am really impressed with all of the Delight Naturals lip balms I've tried so far, and look forward to trying other scents in the future.

Please take a moment to visit Delight Naturals across the internet:

*Lip balms were sent as a giveaway prize. All reviews are my own as always =)

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  1. They sound and look great! The scents on them sound really nice too. I want to try Juicy Pear since I love fruity scents.

  2. Their packaging is so darling! I will definitely add them to my list of things to try. I am a lip balm addict. I probably have 8 tubes in my purse right now.

  3. This is so great! Thank you so much for sharing this review - it means so much to hear what people think and it helps us do things better so everyone enjoys our products. You are awesome!


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