Cupcake Polish Dream

August 01, 2016

I'm finally back from my Vegas/Utah trip, but mentally I still feel like I'm on vacation. I have two posts left with almond nails before I can dive into all of the new stuff with you guys. I'm hoping to get those posted by tomorrow or Wednesday. After that, I will have a Cosmoprof North America recap, and a Cocktails & Colors recap to share with you all.

Now that you kind of know this week's schedule, let's back up and enjoy Cupcake Polish Dream.

blue holo nail polish

blue holo nail polish

blue holo nail polish close up

blue holographic nail polish

Formula: Nice consistency
Finish: Icy blue holographic glitter
Coverage: 2 coats
Notes: I feel like you really can't go wrong with holo glitter in any form. 

This may seem a bit wintery for the dead of summer, but I like to toss things up a bit. If you live somewhere that has a similar climate to Oregon, you probably don't get to see the sun any other time of year. I figure it's best to enjoy holos when it's nice outside.

Cupcake Polish Dream is currently available on her website for $13/bottle plus shipping.

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