Darling Diva Polish Moar Wine Nao and You Killed Frosty

February 10, 2016

Today I wanted to share something kind of geared towards Valentine's Day without it being covered in hearts. I also wanted a reason to play with a couple gorgeous shades I won from Darling Diva Polish. I think I'll title this: You Killed Frosty! Moar Wine Nao!

wine colored holographic nail polish

wine colored holographic nail polish

You obviously need more wine if you are upset over people murdering snowmen. Anyway... this mani is super easy to do. I started with two coats of Moar Wine Nao and dabbed a large iridescent glitter at the base of the nail from You Killed Frosty. The glitter compliments the holo in More Wine Nao quite well.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but both of these colors are no longer in stock. I have no idea if they will come back next year, so keep an eye out on those destashes! You certainly won't find these in mine.

Speaking of destashes, how do you like to shop them? Would you prefer one on Instagram, Google Docs, or a storefront of some kind? What about mystery boxes? I have a lot of colors I need to rehome, and would love your input!

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