Spring Marble Twith Nails With Stepmom Kendahl

April 03, 2015

Water marbles and I still don't get along, so I was really excited when Kendahl suggested we try a dry marble. We used the technique shown here.

Octopus Party Nail Lacquer Laguna Bleach, Model City Polish Coral Reef, Sinful Colors Happy Ending

Octopus Party Nail Lacquer Laguna Bleach, Model City Polish Coral Reef, Sinful Colors Happy Ending

Octopus Party Nail Lacquer Laguna Bleach, Model City Polish Coral Reef, Sinful Colors Happy Ending

For not being a true water marble, I sure love it! There are so many advantages to dry marbling that I don't even know where to start. It's far less messy, and still gives you a decent amount of color manipulation. You don't have to worry about random bubbles, or accidentally ending up with a double layer marble. It also took less than half the time to complete. That's a win in my book!

Products used:
  • Octopus Party Nail Lacquer- Laguna Bleach
  • Model City Polish- Coral Reef
  • Sinful Colors- Happy Ending
  • Orly- Bonder
  • Poshe- Top Coat
  • toothpicks
How do you feel about water marbles? Are they more work than they are worth?

Be sure to visit Kendahl here, and let her know what you think!

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  1. Love it! I only posted on IG because, well, my blog is dead. haha

  2. It looks great! I've done the dry water marble before and its so much easier to do.

  3. I really love it! I so need to try it.


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