Horsetail Falls & Ponytail Falls Hike

March 16, 2015

I'm incredibly late posting this, but we have had such wonderful weather these last few months that I'm spending more time playing outside, and less time blogging. On one of these occasions we took a trip to Horsetail Falls in the Gorge.

Horsetail Falls The Gorge Oregon

Horsetail Falls The Gorge Oregon

As soon as you step out of your car you only have to walk a few steps before seeing Horsetail Falls. The hike itself isn't too difficult. As someone who is short, I would rate it between easy and moderate. My hips started to ache a little bit, but I'm sure part of that was because Friday's are always leg day.

Horsetail Falls The Gorge Oregon

After several switchbacks, this is the view you get before heading away from the water. It was so cold and windy that I started to get a headache up there. 

Horsetail Falls The Gorge Oregon Ponytail Falls

As you continue inward you will eventually reach Ponytail Falls. I liked this one a lot because the trail takes you behind the waterfall.

Horsetail Falls The Gorge Oregon Ponytail Falls

From there we had planned on hiking to Oneonta Falls. While stopping to read the sign, I noticed the warning below:

Oneonta Trail Triple Falls The Gorge Hiking

Oneonta Trail Triple Falls The Gorge Hiking

I don't like hights, but they don't terrify me either. What bothered me the most were the idiot girls who ignored the warning. They were jumping up and down (all three of them) and taking selfies while hanging off the outside of the bridge. 

Oneonta Trail Triple Falls The Gorge Hiking

Once we finally crossed the bridge we came across this sign: 

Oneonta Trail Triple Falls The Gorge Hiking

I didn't see any closure warnings online, so I was pretty bummed out that we weren't able to continue on.

Fitbit One

At least my Fitbit stats were decent that day!

What kind of idiotic things have you seen on your outdoor adventures? Do you say anything or just ignore them?

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  1. So pretty!

    People are morons. You know, had that bridge broken, they'd be the ones trying to sue the state.

  2. Right! I remember what it was like to be that young, and a little careless. I still don't think I would have done something like that.

  3. Such a gorgeous scenery in this hike you took!


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