Ice Polish- Dreams Come True...Not If I Can Help It Collection Review

June 23, 2014

Hey guys! I have a Disney themed collection from Ice Polish to share with you. The collection is called "Dreams Come True...Not If I Can Help It" and is based on princesses and villans. The full collection consisting of twelve colors will be available on June 30th.


Ice Polish Jasmine Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Ice Polish Jasmine Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Jasmine is a light blue holo with an iridescent shimmer. Pictured above is three coats with no base color. The formula was easy to work with and dried quickly.
Ice Polish Jasmine Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney
What made this color stand out from many other light blue holos is that it has a subtle iridescent shimmer. It was hard to capture the effect, so I blew up a section of the photo to full resolution so that you could see it better. The image on the left is how it appears indoors, and the right shows its appearance outdoors. 

Polishes used: Ice Polish- Jasmine, Revlon- Top Coat


Ice Polish Jafar Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Ice Polish Jafar Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Jafar is a rich holographic purple with micro flakies that shift from gold to purple. The formula was a nice consistency and only required two coats for full coverage.
Ice Polish Jafar Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney
Here's a close up view of the flakies inside and outside. The effect is a lot more subtle, but it still adds something extra to the standard holo. I feel like this one transformed the most when photographing it in the sunlight. 

Polishes used: Ice Polish- Jafar, Revlon- Top Coat


Ice Polish Belle Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Ice Polish Belle Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Belle is a deep yellow polish packed with pink and yellow flakies. The formula was a nice consistency, but a bit on the thin side. It took four coats to build up full coverage. If you don't mind seeing a bit of your nail line you could get away with two or three coats.
Ice Polish Belle Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney
This was another color that was more difficult to capture the full effect. On the left is Belle indoors under a diffused daylight bulb, and the right is Belle outdoors in direct sunlight. 

Polished used: Ice Polish- Belle, Revlon- Top Coat


Ice Polish Gaston Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Ice Polish Gaston Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney

Gaston is a red shimmer with red and gold flakies and holographic pigment. The formula was a nice consistency and was fully opaque with two coats.
Ice Polish Gaston Dreams Come True... Not If I Can Help It Disney
I found that the gold and red flakies are more apparent indoors (pictured left) than they are outdoors (pictured right). 

Polishes used: Ice Polish- Gaston, Revlon- Top Coat

This whole collection caught me by surprise in a great way. Her holos are unlike anything I own which is hard to say when you own 400+ colors. I think my favorite has to be Jasmine, but Jafar is a close second. What color did you like the most? 

*Colors were provided for review

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  1. Those are all lovely! I life Jafar the best but I must say Belle is lovely too, and I'm not normally much of a fan of yellows.

  2. I really like the new close ups of the colors

  3. I really like Gaston! Lovely presentation with your photos!


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