Dollish Polish Floral Stamping

April 09, 2014

I'm slowly getting into stamping when I have the time. There are so many gorgeous manis out there now that stamping plates are readily available. Thanks to Kirby I finally got the hang of stamping a few months ago. I had a really awful experience with Bundle Monster, so my images are limited, but I am hoping to change that soon.



I started with three coats of Dollish Polish- Totes Magotes and sealed it with Poshe. Once that was completely dry I stamped over the top with Essie- Penny Talk using BM-205. I like how this came out, but next time I think I will pick two really different colors to make the image stand out.

Do you have a favorite stamping plate? I am always looking for new recommendations.

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  1. It looks lovely & tropical. :-) My favorite plates are Messy Mansion & Winstonia, though I just got 3 Emily de Molly plates & I love them. :-)

  2. I love this, like beautiful jewelry. It's subtle, but so sophisticated.
    There are some really awesome Cheeky plates on Amazon. And the new Pueen Buffet set totally rocks.

    1. I'm definitely considering the Cheeky plates. I have two of the older Pueen sets sitting in my cart right now. What kind of stamper do you use with yours?

  3. This is gorgeous! Great choices in color. It looks great together. I need to get back into stamping, I keep slacking on that, lol.

    1. If I had your nail art skills I wouldn't stamp as much either!

  4. Your link to me is broken, oh noes! ;o I love the color combo of this! I'm seconding messy mansion, her plates are fantastic.

    1. So sorry! I just fixed it. A lot of things were screwed up when I transferred over my old drafts =/.

      I really need to go through the Messy Mansion website again.

  5. I actually really love the way this turned out! It's subtle but gorgeous. I've been on the hunt for stamping plates lately. There are a ton of cute ones from shops on Etsy - Messy Mansion, Royal Lacquer... there are others but that's what is coming to mind. And don't forget MoYou!

    1. Thank you! Moyou has been on my radar for a while now. I have been stalking their website for over a month, but the plates I want are out of stock =/


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