Oregon Snowpocalypse!

February 12, 2014

I started to get kind of sick last week around Wednesday, so I don't have much to talk about workout wise. I put all of that on hold because of how awful I was feeling. On Thursday we had a rather unbelievable prediction of snow. It actually started when I decided I needed to stock up on groceries just in case. By Friday morning it looked like this:



On Saturday we decided to take a walk down to the Clackamas river.


After settling in at home I noticed that the snow had brought out a TON of birds. We probably had around 30-40 birds in our front tree at one time. This one reminded me of Angry Birds.Image

Did you get hit with surprise snow? I would love to see photos!

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  1. For once in my entire history, we got no snow when the rest of the nation was getting bombarded with it. It was a Christmas miracle. In February.


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