I don't eat adventurous things

August 23, 2013

I am vanilla to put it politely. My boyfriend always teases me about my rather "plain" food choices. I enjoy things like curry and dim sum, but if it contains an ingredient I am unfamiliar with, I probably won't try it. I don't do bean sprouts, pickles, or mushrooms, and I was VERY hesitant to try a majority of the stuff in my Kona Kase. In all honesty, the only reason I agreed to try it was because the wonderful people at Kona Kase decided to send me one for free in exchange for a completely honest review.
In case you aren't familiar with Kona Kase, you pay a $15/month subscription fee in exchange for a box of fitness geared "goodies". The products rotate each month allowing you to try a variety of things you are not normally be exposed to.
Here is what the box looked like when it arrived:
The goods:
I'm not a big seed/nut person, so the Health Warrior Chia Bar, Enjoy Life Seed & Fruit Mix, and the GorukoBar went to my boyfriend. From what I understood, he thoroughly enjoyed everything. We both tried the Perky Jerky and it was ok, but not something we would replace other jerky brands with. The Caveman Cookies (unlabeled on the top left) were amazingly delicious. I believe they were gluten free among other things.
My absolute favorite item in the box was definitely the Pro Bar Bolt Organic Energy Chews. The flavor was spot on and greatly exceeded my expectations. I would love to try their other flavors!
Overall, I feel like the $15/month subscription fee is very reasonable considering all of the high quality products they offer.

  • Affordable
  • Great variety
  • High quality ingredients
  • No consistency in products
  • Monthly commitment unless canceled
Short & Sweet: I loved the idea of the box, but I didn't love everything inside. Pro Bar Energy Chews were definitely the front runner. I would consider ordering a Kona Kase in the future.
Have you ever tried a subscription based box? What did you think of it?

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